The Journal — remembrance ideas

Growing Memories... Plant a Living Memorial to Remember a Loved One

funeral favours remembrance ideas urns & ashes

Growing Memories...  Plant a Living Memorial to Remember a Loved One

The eternal renewal of nature awakens something special in all of us. We've curated a few of our favourite ways to sow the seeds of remembrance, recovery and renewal, or to find the perfect nature-inspired bereavement gift.

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Grief & Loss... Navigating Father's Day Without Dad

bereavement support grief & grieving remembrance ideas sympathy gifts

Grief & Loss... Navigating Father's Day Without Dad

The death of a father can be one of the hardest losses to bear. Finding a way to honour your dad on Father’s Day, or other special dates, can help you cope with your feelings and make you feel closer to him.

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Pet Bereavement... Saying Farewell to a Faithful Friend

bereavement support capturing memories grief & grieving remembrance ideas self-care sympathy gifts

Pet Bereavement... Saying Farewell to a Faithful Friend

Saying goodbye to a much-loved pet can be surprisingly hard and the emptiness can feel all consuming. As grief therapist Dipti Tait says "“Pet grief can be a profound and unique experience."

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A Space at the Table... Remembering Loved Ones at Christmas

capturing memories grief & grieving grief at christmas remembrance ideas

A Space at the Table... Remembering Loved Ones at Christmas

With loved ones on our minds more than ever at this time of year, everyone has different ways of making sure that those who are no longer with us remain part of our Christmas rituals and traditions.

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What makes the humble Forget-Me-Not the perfect Funeral Favour?

funeral favours funeral flowers funeral inspiration remembrance ideas sympathy gifts

What makes the humble Forget-Me-Not the perfect Funeral Favour?

For such a humble little flower, forget-me-nots have a big place in our hearts and are often used as a symbol of remembrance. The subject of poems and legends, the forget-me-not’s cult status outweighs its diminutive size and simple beauty.

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