What makes the humble Forget-Me-Not the perfect Funeral Favour?

funeral favours funeral flowers funeral inspiration remembrance ideas sympathy gifts

Forget Me Not Funeral Favours

For such a humble little flower, forget-me-nots have a big place in our hearts.

The flower of love, respect and remembrance, the blue bloom with its starry centre has a special magic all of its own. Preparing to blossom in untouched hedgerows and shady woodland, now seems an apt time to celebrate this treasured sign of spring.

The subject of poems and legends, the forget-me-not’s cult status outweighs its diminutive size or even its simple beauty. Rumour has it that the name comes from a German legend about a knight who died trying to get the flowers for his lover and called out with his last breath, ‘Forget me not!’

Its Greek name, Myosotis, might be a little less romantic as it translates as ‘mouse ears’, referring to the shape of the delicate petals, which is still rather sweet. While the legend may be unproven, what’s not in doubt is the place the flower has in our cultural heritage, and especially so for those who are grieving.

It isn’t the only flower which is used in memory. The poppy and the lily are among those that also enjoy this special status. But there is something about the simplicity, innocence and unassuming prettiness of the forget-me-not that makes it stand apart. That's why our forget-me not seeds are an important part of the Angel & Dove funeral favours collection.

It’s lovely to think that our Forget Me Not Seed Funeral Favours and the seed packets in included in our Sympathy Gift Hampers have been scattered up and down the land in memory of precious loved ones.

Forget me not seeds for funeral

We know that the name forget-me-not has special significance for those who are grieving, but the flowers themselves can also be soothing, suggesting as they do the healing power of nature and the cycle of the seasons and of life itself.

For a special reminder of someone dear to you, forget-me-not seeds can be sown indoors or outdoors as the weather warms up, and more importantly they continue to bloom year after year so they really are a living, everlasting memorial.

They self-seed joyously and will give you a gentle nudge of remembrance as the sun begins to shine more strongly in the late spring and early summer each year.

Forget-me-nots are colourful, comforting and easy to care for. They may not have the stature of some other plants but, as the saying goes, it’s the little things that count.

Browse our collection of Seed Packet Funeral favours here.

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