The Journal — events

What is a Death Cafe? Why The World Wants To Talk About Death

bereavement support events grief & grieving

What is a Death Cafe? Why The World Wants To Talk About Death

What exactly is a Death Cafe? Put simply, a Death Cafe is an event where people gather together, drink tea, eat cake and talk about death. Sounds like a fun night out, right? Well, maybe surprisingly it's not only caught on, but has become something of a global phenomenon.

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The Power of Collective Grief... A Nation Mourns The Queen

events grief & grieving

The Power of Collective Grief... A Nation Mourns The Queen

Since the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II we've seen an outpouring of collective grief. This sharing of feelings may sound terribly un-British, but it’s also very important.

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Funeral Trends... the National Funeral Exhibition 2022

celebration of life coffin inspiration events funeral inspiration funeral transport green funerals

Funeral Trends... the National Funeral Exhibition 2022

Forget everything you think you know about the funeral industry. A recent day out at the National Funeral Exhibition 2022 confirmed that sweeping changes continue afoot in the sector.

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It's Good to Talk: Supporting Dying Matters Week (10-16 May)

bereavement support end of life planning events grief & grieving

It's Good to Talk: Supporting Dying Matters Week (10-16 May)

For many people, the thought of talking about death is awkward, scary and depressing. It’s a tricky conversation that’s often just easier to avoid. We hear you, but we also believe that the alternative – leaving your affairs in a mess and your loved ones unaware of your wishes – is much worse. That’s why we are proud to support Dying Matters who are working to break one of society’s biggest taboos. 

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A Day In The Life Of... Crematorium Manager Natasha Bradshaw

a day in the life of celebration of life events funeral venues

A Day In The Life Of... Crematorium Manager Natasha Bradshaw

Meet Natasha Bradshaw, superintendent at Mortlake Crematorium in Richmond and organiser of the Full Circle Festival which aims to educate, inspire and celebrate 80 years of Mortlake Crematorium supporting the local community.

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