Our Blog — self-care
Remember Me? Loss When Others Have Moved On
bereavement support grief & grieving self-care
After a loss people often talk about 'moving on'. But grief doesn’t have an end date, so how can we keep those who are still mourning in mind?
Just a Note… The Many Benefits of Putting Pen to Paper
capturing memories grief & grieving self-care
There is nothing like a handwritten card to tell someone you are thinking about them. In a world of emails and text messages, the act of choosing a card, putting pen to paper and taking a trip to the post box is enough to let them know they are in your thoughts.
Making time for self-care following a bereavement
bereavement support grief & grieving self-care
Death should, if the world was a more understanding place, be followed by a gentle period of re-orientation. A time to remember, reflect and recalibrate. But of course real life is not really like that. We look at why making time for self-care is so important following a bereavement.