Our Blog — grief & grieving
The National Bereavement Service - Help and Support When You Need it Most
bereavement support funeral planning grief & grieving
In addition to dealing with the emotional impact of a loved one’s death, there can often be a lot of practical work to do as well, much of which may be unfamiliar. This guest post from the National Bereavement Service explains the ways in which they can help to support you and your loved ones at a difficult time.
Introducing GriefChat... Free Online Bereavement Support For Our Customers
bereavement support grief & grieving
As a business we're very aware that planning a funeral is an emotionally draining experience and that families are often managing the expectations of family and friends, while still coming to terms with their own loss. That's why we've teamed up with specialist bereavement service GriefChat to offer our customers instant access to online bereavement support when they need it most.